
We are hap­py to help you with your request and are always available. Call us or cont­act us via the cont­act form.

Cont­act data

Mut­tenz – Headquarters

Woertz AG
Hof­acker­stra­sse 47
Post­fach 948
CH-4132 Mut­tenz 1

T +41 61 466 33 33
F +41 61 461 96 06

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The head office is loca­ted in Mut­tenz whe­re about 200 employees work in the sales, advice and pro­duc­tion depart­ments. Spe­cia­li­zed in elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions we pro­du­ce here our appro­ved ter­mi­nal blocks for con­nec­ting wires and cables.

woertz muttenz min

Höl­stein – Factory

Woertz AG
Bären­mat­ten­stra­sse 3
CH-4434 Höl­stein

T +41 61 956 56 56
F +41 61 956 56 00

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In 1993 Woertz acqui­red a sub­si­dia­ry in Höl­stein. The about 50 employees the­re dis­po­se of ultra-modern and par­ti­al­ly ful­ly-auto­ma­ted manu­fac­tu­ring devices. Under­flo­or and modu­lar under-win­dow ducts and also our dif­fe­rent cables are pro­du­ced in Höl­stein. Most of the cus­tom pro­ducts are also manu­fac­tu­red there.

woertz hoelstein min