Elek­tro-Tec 2018



Con­nec­ted World. Net­wor­king is more than just tech­no­lo­gy. It makes buil­dings and buil­ding ser­vices smar­ter, pro­vi­des more living and working com­fort, saves resour­ces and turns a coll­ec­tion of inno­va­ti­ve, part­ly auto­ma­ted indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons into a net­work­ed, uni­fi­ed whole.
In addi­ti­on to a ver­sa­ti­le and com­pact trade exhi­bi­ti­on, you can look for­ward to an exci­ting spe­cia­list semi­nar pro­gram and many more rea­sons to visit the ELECTRO-TEC.
On May 24, 2018, a part of the spe­cia­list semi­nars will be held in French.