UN buil­ding Geneva

Rene­wal of the UN head­quar­ters BIT in Geneva

Pro­ject Description:

The works were car­ri­ed out in three stages:

  • Flo­or trun­king system BOK 400x50mm, the under­flo­or trun­king and the junc­tion boxes type BAK sup­plied and installed.
  • The 5x4mm² flat cable system was instal­led in the ducts and in the hol­low ceiling.
  • Junc­tion boxes IP68 with LED.

Pro­duct systems used:

Flat cable system Power 5G4 mm²

Flat cable system Power 5G4 mm²

This system is used for long cor­ri­dors, offices, super­mar­kets, indu­stri­al halls and for light­ing in rail­road sta­ti­ons and par­king garages.

floor channel  bok 8880 400mm

Flo­or chan­nel BOK 8880 400mm

The BOK 8880 400mm flo­or duct is a very fle­xi­ble, easi­ly acce­s­si­ble and visual­ly appe­al­ing system that is also very easy to install.

Underfloor trunking systems

Under­flo­or trun­king systems

For clean and easy sup­p­ly of lar­ge are­as with pull boxes and junc­tion boxes.