Gott­hard Base Tunnel

Emer­gen­cy light­ing and tem­po­ra­ry site lighting

Pro­ject Description:

With the Gott­hard Base Tun­nel, Switz­er­land wri­tes gre­at tun­nel cons­truc­tion histo­ry. With its 57km, the Gott­hard Tun­nel is the lon­gest tun­nel in the world. High demands are pla­ced on man and mate­ri­al. This requi­red the deve­lo­p­ment of a new can with a high degree of IP pro­tec­tion. In addi­ti­on to the high requi­re­ments, the box also brings signi­fi­cant time savings during instal­la­ti­on thanks to the quick con­nec­tion technology.

High­ly visi­ble and relia­bly func­tio­ning emer­gen­cy light­ing must be gua­ran­teed even after seve­ral years of ope­ra­ti­on. The­re are new requi­re­ments for our flat cable system. With the deve­lo­p­ment of a flat cable with insu­la­ti­on inte­gri­ty FE180, the emer­gen­cy light­ing is sup­plied with ener­gy for up to 3 hours even in case of fire – enough time to evacua­te the tun­nel safe­ly. In addi­ti­on to the emer­gen­cy light­ing in the tun­nel and the access tun­nels, Woertz also pro­vi­ded the tem­po­ra­ry cons­truc­tion site lighting.

Pro­duct systems used:

Flat cable system IP 3G2.5 mm² and 3G4 mm² (IP66/68)

Flat cable system IP 3G2.5 mm² and 3G4 mm² (IP66/68)

This system is ide­al­ly sui­ted for tun­nel cons­truc­tion due to its high IP pro­tec­tion level and extra­or­di­na­ry fle­xi­bi­li­ty in terms of chan­gea­bi­li­ty and expandability.

flat cable fe180 e30 e90 3g25 mm

Fire safe­ty system FE180 E30/E90 3G2.5 mm²

Fire safe­ty system FE180 E30/E90 3G2.5 mm² for power sup­p­ly of safe­ty-rele­vant ele­ments, such as emer­gen­cy and escape rou­te light­ing, smo­ke extra­c­tion systems or fire depart­ment elevators.

cable routing systems fire safety

Cable rou­ting systems Fire safety

Fastening tech­no­lo­gy that ensu­res the power sup­p­ly even in an emergency.